I hope that everyone is doing well. I feel like it has been forever since I wrote a post, but things have been crazy in my life. Of course, I had to get back and update y'all on what's been going on.
First of all, and most importantly, ... LJ had his labs rechecked on Wednesday of last week, and they were much better. The level of his immunosuppressant had went down since the decrease in dosage. I was so glad to hear that. I hope that we can stay in this safe place for a while. Fingers crossed!
I still have to reschedule his MRI because he needs to have another physical, so that one is still in the works, and I will keep you posted.
Today was also Day 3 of school for my little man. Today, he got a little sad after I left, but it only lasted a few minutes so I'm told. I am so proud of him. When his little friend saw him, he screamed his name, and ran up to LJ, it was sooooo sweet. There was even a little girl that just started, and she was even excited to see LJ. I love it! He seems to be adjusting well, and that's good because school is right around the corner. I didn't get any pictures today, but I really wish I did. The good thing though, is that he is getting to do kid things. He can finally get to know what it's like to NOT be so different from everyone else. It's so hard to explain, but if you are the parent of a child with any sort of disability, then you know exactly what I mean.
I have been having so many ups and downs myself. From car troubles, to health issues, and stress because m fiance's birthday is Thursday 11/19, and it is bringing the most serious bout of depression for me. I am struggling, but Lord knows I will not keep fighting.
Prayers are always going up for good, and better days.