We have officially been in this hospital for a week now, and we have no idea when we are going home. When we first came in LJ was so sick he didn't want to do anything but sleep. Now, thank goodness, he is feeling better, but things are still wrong in so many other ways.
After running a bunch of tests, from blood tests, to getting urine samples, and more stool samples, they finally came to the conclusion that LJ must have gotten a urinary tract infection. By this time, we had already been in here for a couple days. They already had been giving him all the antibiotics just in case, since he was having fevers and throwing up so he was covered, which was good, they just needed to find out exactly what kind of infection he had, if it was a true infection, so they could reduce the antibiotics down to the exact one needed to treat the particular bug that was attacking his system. Now, at first, the consesus was that it wasn't likely for it to be a urinary tract infection because they are rare in boys. The reason that I knew it had to be something like that was because of the way that he was acting when he went to the bathroom and when I changed his pamper. He would cry and whine, I felt so bad for him. My baby kept asking me to put Vaseline down there, but he wasn't sore or red, so I knew something was not right, and I was right, that's exactly what it was. Come to find out, because of the diarrhea being so loose and frequent, that was an easy way for him to gt the bacteria in his urine stream. So, back to the long term issue with this diarrhea. The real crazy thing is though is that when they re- tested him for Cdiff, it came back negative this time. Imagine my surprise. So now here is another dilemma. All the doctors are confused because they have no idea what is going on with the diarrhea as to why he still has it. They have been running several tests on his stool since he came in, and NOTHING has come back showing any kind of infection to this day. LJ was on precautions, meaning the doctors and nurses had to gown up before entering, and we couldn't go anywhere but his room. Yesterday, they removed the precautions because I was flipping out. I said "How can he still be quarantined when his tests are negative for Cdiff?" The doctors and nurses were like deer in headlights, but eventually, later that day, the precautions were removed. So today, for the first time since we've been here, LJ was able to go to the playroom.
The big thing now, which they are baffled about, is his immunosuppressants. For some reason, ever since we've been here, his levels have been all out of wack. Right now they are to the point where they are actually being held off and on because the levels are extremely high. They are so much higher than they have ever been and this is starting to make me nervous because when i ask them why is this happening, all they can say is they don't know. At first they tried to blame it on the diarrhea, but I was like, um, no because he has had that since January and has been totally fine as far as blood work. so try again. This afternoon they told me that they are going to be starting my baby on a low dose of Prednisone, which is a steroid, that he needs to be on while he's on the antibiotic for the UTI. I'm going to be calling Boston in the morning though, because, this is something that should have been started days ago when he first started the antibiotic; which makes me believe that until they got nervous about his levels constantly rising, they did not keep Boston in the loop about LJ even being in the hospital, and that is a problem for me, so I have to find out for myself. Sooooo, Until they get my baby's levels back under control, here we are...in this awful place.
Playin' peek a boo, I luv that smile |
Love of my life |