Monday, February 15, 2016

It's Been a Long Time

Well Hello Everybody :)  I have been kind of M.I.A for a little bit.  Definitely not on purpose, but I had a very hectic last few weeks.  I don't even know where to start.  I guess from the beginning would be a good place.  I hope y'all are ready though, 'cuz this one is about to be crazy.  OK, here we go.  So, a few days after my last entry, I lost one of my CDPAP workers, who is actually a close friend of mine, due to some personal issues in their life.  That was very stressful because my friend was very helpful as far as providing me with respite, which is very much needed.  It was not so terrible though, because it is only temporary.  More of a headache than anything.  That was just the beginning to my snowball of troubles.  A couple days later, my little man got a bad cold, which to me is always so scary.  I always get so nervous about him when he gets sick, especially with the transplant.  Like all mothers that hate seeing their babies sick, I go crazy, and I worry that he will end up in the hospital since he is so medically fragile.  In my quest to take care of my baby, and nurse him back to health, I neglected my own health.   Which leads me to my next dilemma......
As I went on my daily run, I went past the house that was for sale 17 years.  I had written about it.  I wrote that my friends and I would go to college, and live their.  My dreams were crushed the day I showed my scars.  They day they wondered why I was fat.  I deleted the file on google drive, and someone moved in.:

One night, when LJ was feeling really crummy, I was up watching to make sure he didn't spike a fever during the night, just to be on the safe side.  I didn't want to give him any Tylenol because in case he did get a fever, I needed to monitor it to see how bad it got.  It's always so tricky because a fever can get him admitted to the hospital, so I wouldn't want to mask it with Tylenol.  So being the concerned mother I am, I stayed up and kept an eye on my little man.  Now, this was Saturday 1/15.  I had spoke to my sisters earlier that night, and told them how tired I was, and that I hadn't had much sleep.  They both kept telling me I needed to get some rest, or I would be no good to my baby.  Boy, oh boy!  How right they were.

The next day, late Sunday afternoon, my sister, and my brother came knocking on my door.  When I opened the door, and my sister walked in, she started yelling at me for not answering the phone.  I had no idea what she was even talking about.  They both followed me upstairs, and told me to turn around.  I just remember her screaming a lot, and asking what happened to me, but I couldn't answer because I didn't know.  I was all bloody with a black eye, my house was a mess.  My sister and brother thought I had been beaten, robbed, or raped.   The next thing I know, there was paramedics standing in front of me, asking all these questions I couldn't answer.  I only remember them saying, "She's definitely ICU material."  Then it was a whirlwind, and everything was a blur.   I need a moment tho y'all.  Stay tuned, I got a story to tell.

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