Saturday, March 12, 2016

Done with the MRI

Happy Saturday Everybody!  Tonight is the night we set those clocks ahead for daylight savings time.  I am not looking forward to it.  I already feel like I don't get enough sleep,  I swear.

Well, LJ finally had his MRI yesterday, but that was not before he had to have a physical, which should have just been a normal procedural thing.  Knowing us, though, it was anything but.  The doctor convinced me that he was due for his DTap vaccine, which he had 4 times before.  I debated with him that this was before transplant, and LJ was not to have any vaccinations because of his compromised immune system, but he insisted that it was not a live vaccine, and other children with transplants get it, and so LJ was given the vaccine.  At the same time, I was already in contact with the transplant center in Boston.  By the time I reached the transplant coordinator, he had already received the dose, but she advised me that he should NOT have gotten the DTap vaccine. It was too late, he had just got the shot.  I immediately felt hot all over, I began to get short of breath.  All I could think was that I had had just destroyed my son's life.  I am still in a panic over it.  Courtney, the transplant coordinator in Boston, advised me that while the do not advise that this vaccine be given to their transplant patients, other centers do allow it, and it should hopefully be ok.  However, the pediatrician's office should have contacted them before giving any vaccines.  She spoke with the doctor personally, and had him update their records to indicate that so that going forward there would be no more confusion.  Meanwhile, LJ has to go back for follow up lab work next week to check his creatnine.  I just pray that all is well.  Lord, if it is not one thing, it is always another.  By the way, his Prograf level last week was actually back to normal. :)

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His MRI went well, which was good.  LJ had to be sedated since he obviously wouldn't be still for the entire process.  He was under for about 2 hours.  They were really nice to my baby and made him feel pretty comfortable before taking him back.  He actually seemed excited to when they were bringing him down there in the hospital bed, it was so cute.  They let him decorate his mask that would be used to put him to sleep, and he got to pop bubbles until he fell asleep.  They even let me go all the way back there with him until he closed his eyes, which was nice.  I get separation anxiety, and I need to kiss my baby a lot before he has medical procedures.  As soon as he came out I came running back to the room to get my baby, and we were off, right back home, so that was good.  He was a trooper, as usual.  My big boy.  Now we just have to wait 3-5 business days for the results to see if there was anything that could have caused his scoliosis, or anything that they maybe can do to slow it down.  So we will see.  One thing I have learned from all of our experiences is to always keep a positive outlook, and keep pushing forward.  No matter what, the fight continues.  I do it for him!!!
LJ's Mickey Mouse clubhouse mask
playing with his tablet before going back 
just chillin' 

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