Monday, September 5, 2016

Pesky Bug

I've been doing a lot of reading over the last couple of days even weeks trying to see if I can find out any information on why my baby keeps getting infected with this nasty little bug.  I was able to find out that the spores from it can live for weeks and actually even months on hard surfaces if you don't wash your hands really good which is a terrible thing to think about.  The article that I read talked a lot about the good bacteria versus this bacteria which is the bad bacteria and how we can get overpopulated with bad bacteria if there's not enough good bacteria to keep it in check which I think is the issue in my son's case because he doesn't eat a lot of table food which is what creates good bacteria and is able to fight off some of that bad bacteria.  I just know that I need to speak with his doctors and we have to come up with a plan together to try to figure out a way to fight this in a productive way so that we can keep him healthy because the thing is that I really want him to start school and I want him to be able to stay in school and most importantly I want him to stay free from this sickness because not only is it irritating but I know it has to be painful for my baby.  I'm sure that the way it originate it was probably threw his use of antibiotics because it started with a broad-spectrum antibiotic which was Amoxicillin and that's where this whole nightmare began back in January but now the main thing is to figure out how to stop it so if you guys want to check out the article that I was reading for yourself I have the link right here, but for me I'm going to try to find out what we have to do working with his doctors to try to figure out a way to keep this nasty bug and check before it gets any worse.

minion quotes about being sick - Google Search:

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