How much easier said than done is that one?!
I try to tell myself this, over and over. I say that I will start sticking to it, but it never works. Today, for example, I get LJ's results back from his lab work. Now, I had already known that his LFT's (liver function tests) were slightly elevated 2 weeks ago. That;s why he was getting his labs redone this week, to see f there was a change..... There was, the levels were even more elevated. Me, myself, I start to panic. I remember last time this happened, back in the summer, we had to rush to Boston Children's for testing; LJ got an ultrasound, and a bunch of blood work. Of course, I was expecting the same thing. We are supposed to be going on the 26th, which is just a little over a week from now, so I guess they let us slide this time.
Since his LFT's are elevated again though, that means another change in his immunosuppressants. That is something I get nervous about, because I want to, and I'm sure the doctors want to as well, be sure that he is covered as far as his new kidney is concerned. He will now be going from using the immune system medication cellcept, back to using prednisone, which is just a steroid. This is supposed to be temporary until the doctors in Boston decide on which would be a better combination of medicines. Prednisone comes with long term side effects, and is not desirable to use on children long term. LJ was on it for a little while before, and they say it will be an even shorter time this go around, so we will see. I just hope that we can figure out a good mix for him soon. With all the changes, my baby has to deal with things like diarrhea, and hyper activity; the prednisone tends to make children hyper, and the diarrhea came with the start of the cellcept. When he can be on long term, and tolerate well, is what we all have to figure out.
There is always something that comes along when things seem to be going relatively smooth, or at least, as smooth as they can go for the life that we are living. Always something to shake things up. I just wish things could just be ok for a while, like a loooong while. Why is it always that the good times fly by, and the bad times seem to last forever???? I guess I'll never know!!!
Have a safe and blessed weekend!!!

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