Today for example though, my baby is sick. He has a cold, and it's kicking his little butt. He has a runny nose, and a little cough. Just looking at him, watching him battle something so simple as a cold, knowing that it is never simple with him... I get scared. Not just scared about his cold getting worse, but scared about not being 100% for him. I am my baby's rock. I am all he has, just like he's all I have. When it really comes down to it, there is NO ONE who can take care of my baby even close to the way I do. From medications, to eating, to appointments, and even just what he likes, there is no one who could assume that responsibility if need be, and that is scary for me. My son does not have his father, and even though all of his grandparents are alive and well, as far as I know, LJ doesn't have a real relationship with any of them, for different reasons. That is fine and well, I have done a great job alone, and I can continue to, as long as I'm ok. I have to worry about my baby's well being at all times, and I have to make sure I am well enough to take the best care of him.
Got a lot on my mind today, but I know that God gonna work it out for me. Even when it seem like he not working, he is definitely on the job.
Stay Blessed Everyone!
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