Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Dealing with Dialysis for your Baby

5 Tips for Dealing with Dialysis

               when your baby needs treatment

Having a child on dialysis is a very scary thing, and it can be even scarier when you are a first time mom, like I was, or a mom doing it all by yourself....me again.  Well, I have learned over the years, a few, coping mechanisms, for lack of a better word.  But these five tips have helped me, I swore by them, and here they are.

1.  Have Faith.
This is the most important thing of all.  I promise you, me personally, I would not have been able to be there for my son, and I don't believe he would be here today, had it not been for my faith.  It is so important to keep yourself grounded spiritually. 

2.  Have Patience.
It can be so hard to be patient, but it is very necessary.  Trust me, you can drive yourself crazy with worrying, panicking, and all kinds of emotions.  You have to just be patient.  That's with treatments, which can be lengthy; doctors who may not have all the answers to your questions; especially patience with your child, who is no doubt scared and confused.

3.  Follow Dr.'s orders.
Following the orders given by your child's doctor is very important and detrimental to your child's health.  From medications, dosing, and treatment prescriptions.  I know it is hard, because treatments can be very long, and sometimes even uncomfortable for your child (which my son luckily didn't have much discomfort if any).  In order to keep your little one as healthy as possible, and in the best shape for hopefully a potential transplant, you must follow orders.

4. Be Honest. 
For a parent, it is a terribly painful thing to have a child who is chronically ill.  It is even harder to deal with harsh realities and possibilities, but you have to be honest with yourself about everything.  From treatments, to hospitalizations, and frequent doctors appointments, you have to prepare your self.  Along with that, it should go without saying, be honest with your child's doctor.  If you make any errors with medication, treatments, anything.  It's all about keeping your little one healthy.

5. Stay Well Rested.
It may sound funny, but dialysis is draining, physically, and emotionally.  I mean that for you and your child.  You have to get plenty of rest, and stay alert.  You need to be able to correctly give medication if necessary, as well as treatments, and be of sound mind when talking to doctors.

I hope this is helpful to you.  It's how I still live my life with my son post transplant. 


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