Thursday, September 17, 2015

Throwback Thursday newborn pics

Another throwback Thursday, and I want to take a trip down memory lane.  Here are some early pictures of LJ.  They are still a little hard for me to look back at, but the struggle was real, and my little conqueror has been through the trenches.  He deserves so much praise, he is a fighter!!!   I am extremely thankful for the young man that my son is growing to be.  It was so difficult back then, but he fought, and I fought, and he is here!   My heart breaks looking at these though, I can't lie.

LJ only a few hours old.  They thought he wouldn't make it out the delivery room so they brought me down to the NICU to see him as soon as they stitched me up.  I was in the hospital bed next to my son while he was in the NICU.

LJ was so fluid overload from his kidneys not getting rid of the urine while I was pregnant.  The pen marking on his stomach is where the doctors measured to show how much extra fluid he had on board.

LJ already had his dialysis catheter placed when he was just under a week old.  The doctors told me he wouldn't last the week without dialysis immediately....but LJ never started dialysis until he was 5 months old .  GOD IS GOOD!!!  Every little bit counts.

All I could do was stare at my little man from outside the incubator.  I wasn't even allowed to touch him because his blood pressure was too high, and the stimulation from me touching him caused it to go higher... so they said.

My baby getting older.  LJ was a couple weeks now, still hanging on.......still fighting!!

It was so hard seeing them always putting something in him. From tubes to IVs.  Here he has one in his head because it was hard for them to find a vein anywhere else.   

I  always used to sneak and hold my baby's hand, and he clearly wanted to be close to his mommy.  My angel had a broviac in his chest here.  He had that until he got his kidney transplant.  It was used for getting blood, since they  always had to run tests.

They finally allowed me to cover him with a blanket.  He wasn't allowed to have anything covering him because of  his blood pressure, and he would run a temperature easily.  Nowadays, LJ still gets hot super fast, but he came a long way from here.

Boy, I do not miss these times.  My baby was, and still is such a fighter.  Who cares what anybody says?  I know we don't!!!  #ThrowbackThursday

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