Wednesday, September 9, 2015

June 21, 2011

My Little Miracle

So today, LJ turns 4 weeks old.  He is such a fighter.  He is getting stronger everyday, against wag the doctors thought.  Every time they say he can't do something, he up and does it.  I love my baby!!  I pray for the day they call me and  tell me they think it's ok for him to come home.  I feel like that day is not too far off.  One day I just had this feeling come over me, that when he is 5 weeks old, he will be on his way out, or home.  I know in my heart that the odds of that are ridiculous, but I just feel it inside, and I can't shake it.  I know that God had something big in store for my angel.  He has come so far.  He is truly a miracle already.  He has major issues to overcome, but I honestly feel like God is gonna work it out.  I think he is going to heal his kidneys, and his lungs.  I honestly feel this.  I can't explain it to anybody, but I feel like God has let me know he's working on it.  A couple of days ago, the feeling came over me, and I just been going on it.  It's a good feeling, a strangely optimistic feeling.  I know that God is healing him.  I just know it.  From his lungs to his kidneys, I feel like God is working on it, no dialysis needed.  That would be the best gift I could ever receive, my baby's health and strength.  He means the world to me.  He has meant the world to me since the day I found out he was inside of me.  It's gonna get better for him.  God has let me know, I feel it inside.  My baby is going to show these doctors and nurses that He is in control.  That He has the final say, and you can never count anybody out until he says so.  LJ gonna shock these doctors, he gonna show everybody.  He really is, and I can't wait to be right there with my baby when he has gotten past all this, when he shows everybody what a real miracle baby he is, and how good God is, how he saves, how he heals.  How he makes miracles happen everyday.  I just feel it coming.  I get a little over excited and I have to calm myself cuz I don't want to get ahead of myself, but I really can't shake the feeling that a miracle is coming on.  My little LJ is gonna make people believers.  Some people doubt the healing power of God.  People think that man, or doctors, have the final say.  They seem to forget from time to time, that we are all created by a higher power.   One that is capable of anything, including the impossible, and the improbable, the unheard if, the not likely.  God is going to show these people  in the hospital that he is capable of all things.  He is going to, and is already in the process of healing my baby.  The doctors said they expect his kidneys to stop healing, but I know God has other plans, it's not about what they expect.  It's about what he will do, and they gonna see.  God is gonna show them, and so is LJ.
He is making progress slowly but surely
38.5% oxygen
Mean pressure: 17 on oscillator 
Power: 3.5

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