I know it's been a little while, but it has been a long month for me so far, and it is just halfway over. This is just a bad time for me in general and I am trying not to let it get me down. In a few days, the anniversary of probably the worst day of my life so far is coming up. I've been trying not to dwell on it, so we'll save that conversation for another time. It has been the reason that I have been so distant with everything and everyone in my life lately though. However, as a mother, there is little time for sulking, and sadness.

So....Anyway, last week I took LJ to see the Orthopedic doctor about his scoliosis. I wanted to find out about getting him a back brace since his curve is constantly progressing, and I really hope that he doesn't end up needing surgery. His physically therapist also came with us so that she could talk to the doctor about LJ getting braces for his legs. He tends to scissor his legs when he tries to walk and gets excited, and he keeps his left leg on his toes when he's standing. The doctor said it would be a good idea to have him fitted for AFO's for his legs, so that should help with his standing, and when he's taking steps. He also said LJ can get a back brace, but his spine is very flexible, and can be pushed straight, so that is a good thing. The only thing about that is it's gonna take a little while to get LJ fitted, then for the brace to be made and sized. It's a process, and I understand that. I just thought it was something that was in the works back in March when he first had the MRI to find out about the scoliosis. I hate the feeling like things are dragging along when they shouldn't be. Hopefully,once LJ get this brace, it at least slows the progression of his curve. We talked about what could be keeping him from walking and the doctor said there are 5 key things needed to walk: Strength, Balance, Coordination, Willingness and I believe the last one was Muscle Tone. The things that are problematic for LJ are the balance and coordination, so we have to work on those two. He has been walking for greater distances with his walker in therapy though. Every little bit helps. If you ask him, he says he'll be walking soon. Only time will tell.
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